Vulnerability Tracking And Compliance Monitoring

Vulnerability assessment and tracking is a pivotal need of the hour for any business handling critical customer information and data. VulTrac is a suite which provides a comprehensive management and tracking system to assess vulnerabilities in an effective and time efficient way.

An advanced vulnerability tracking and compliance solution, VulTrac collects, consolidates, and maintains vulnerabilities by enabling the user to import them from any source. Its customized remediation workflow adds value and is suitable for any industry segment. Comprehensive, user-friendly drilled-down dashboards provide stakeholders with a comprehensive view of the overall vulnerability lifecycle and compliance.

Vulnerability assessment and tracking is a pivotal need of the hour for any business handling critical customer information and data. VulTrac is a suite which provides a comprehensive management and tracking system to assess vulnerabilities in an effective and time efficient way.

An advanced vulnerability tracking and compliance solution, VulTrac collects, consolidates, and maintains vulnerabilities by enabling the user to import them from any source. Its customized remediation workflow adds value and is suitable for any industry segment. Comprehensive, user-friendly drilled-down dashboards provide stakeholders with a comprehensive view of the overall vulnerability lifecycle and compliance.


Cyber attackers are looking for vulnerabilities they can exploit in a company’s network. In this context, having a vulnerability management solution in place is critical. Such a program is far more than just a vulnerability assessment, vulnerability scanner, or patch management. The best vulnerability management solutions use an ongoing process that regularly identifies, evaluates, reports and prioritizes vulnerabilities across the enterprise.

SE-VULTRAC uses rich data and superior technology to arm your team with the most powerful tools and easy-to-use vulnerability management and threat assessment solutions on the market. Our observation and remediation work-flow can be mapped to multiple governance frameworks to provide a compliance dashboard against all applicable frameworks.

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    Vulnerability Management Lifecycle

    Vulnerability Import

    Import vulnerabilities by making an inventory of all network assets and identifying host details such as operating systems and open services.

    inspection management module


    Categorize assets into groups or business units to assign value based on their importance to the functioning of your firm.

    inspection management module


    Prioritize and fix vulnerabilities in the order of business risk. Controls must be established and progress demonstrated.

    Vulnerability management

    Verification and Closure

    Follow-up audits should be implemented to verify that all threats have been eliminated.

    Vulnerability management


    Determine the level of business risk associated with your assets based on your security policies. Create a security plan, monitor unusual activities, and describe known vulnerabilities.

    Vulnerability management

    Key Features

    Key Features


    Industries we serve

    At SecurEyes, we commit to a customer-first approach and go to lengths to ensure your safety and stability. We develop industry-focused solutions to cater to custom needs of your business.

    We serve multiple sectors across geographies.

    Our Story

    • Started out as a five-member team in Bangalore
    • Developed four security products with Foundstone
    • Recorded a million downloads with Hacme Bank
    • Incorporated SecurEyes Techno Services Pvt. Ltd.
    • Emerged as a key contender in cybersecurity space
    • Empaneled with CERT-IN and NIC
    • Won government and banking contracts
    • Developed a secure software for a microfinance company
    • Landed a deal with an apex business body
    • Segued from product development into consulting (application security and penetration testing)
    • Entered the international market with three orders from the Middle East
    • Expanded portfolio with comprehensive vulnerability assessment services
    • Bagged the prestigious projects from Government of India
    • Landed reputed Middle Eastern banking projects
    • Ventured into Africa with a large-scale project in Sudan
    • Established supremacy in the Middle East with high-end projects
    • Forayed into business with capital market firms and insurance companies
    • Empanelled with NICSI, expanding our footprint in the government sector
    • Certified ISO 27001 for a Dubai project
    • Signed MoU with Government of Kerala
    • Expanded portfolio with Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) services
    • Launched Kerala IT Mission cybersecurity operations
    • Ventured into logistics with two major players
    • Collaborated with Qatar’s second largest LNG company to enter the oil and gas sector
    • Secured long-term partnership with one of the largest private sector banks in India
    • Opened new office in Sharjah
    • Bagged large annual contracts with three major banks in Riyadh that continue to date
    • Empanelled with Saudi Central Bank for comprehensive regulatory assessments at five major banks
    • Established sales office in the United States of America
    • Bagged projects in Nigeria and Kenya, expanding service delivery outreach
    • Empanelled as authorized Information Security Auditing Firm with Directorate of Information Technology, Maharashtra
    • Delivered cybersecurity services for MyGov project launched by the Indian Prime Minister
    • Secured long-term partnership with a major small finance bank in India
    • Landed our first South African project
    • Developed an enterprise solution for central banks in RegTech space
    • Certified ISO 27001:2013 (ISMS) and ISO 9001:2015 (QMS) compliant
    • Established a long-term engagement with a top regulatory authority n important
    • Implemented a flagship product RegTrac for digitizing supervisory activities in a central bank
    • Signed an MoU with Odisha Computer Application Centre to conduct a co-branded cybersecurity certification program
    • Empanelled with India’s largest public sector bank, SBI, as one of the five Group A companies
    • Landed an annual information security awareness project with an airlines firm in the UAE
    • Recognized by CIO Magazine among 20 most promising cybersecurity solutions providers
    • Empanelled with Balmer Lawrie and Karnataka Bank as their Information Security Auditing Organization
    • Set up a new office in Riyadh
    • Augmented capabilities of a central bank for faster and better supervisory audits
    • Forayed into data privacy by developing a framework for a central regulator and conducting assessment for a credit bureau
    • Opened a new office at Abu Dhabi
    • Bagged projects in Zambia, Cameroon, and South Africa
    • Signed MoU with Xavier Institute of Social Service, Ranchi, for industry-academia cybersecurity collaboration
    • Developed new products, VulTrac, AuditTrac, TPTrac, PhishTrap, and AwarenessTrac
    • Acquired five new clients in Saudi Arabia
    • Implemented products across the compliance, regulation, and vulnerability management lifecycle
    • Signed an MoU with PECB to provide ISO 27001 training and certification services
    • Received CERT-In empanelment along with 33 shortlisted companies
    • Empaneled with Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) and Canara Bank as Information Security Auditing Organization
    • Received Corporate Icon Award 2021, Odisha
    • Signed up with a large IT & Business Consulting Firm headquartered in Canada
    • Associated with one of the largest global technology consulting and digital solutions providers with operations in 30 countries
    • Completed five batches of skill development training with OCAC since 2018
    • We are the 2022 recipients of the Economic Times Excellence Award in Cyber Security and Integrated Risk Management award

    Our numbers and counting, since 2006

    0 +
    Global customers served
    0 +
    Application security assessments
    0 +
    Devices covered in VA-PT assessments
    0 +
    GRC projects conducted
    0 +
    Full-time cybersecurity consultants
    0 +
    Locations across the globe



    Infusing Security Since 2006

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    Urgent Need for Vulnerability Management in Government Organisations

    The story of a Cybersecurity Vulnerability

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